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Richard Earl Beach Jr.  1963年8月31日生まれ。

Stella Artois。殆どの人が世界でベストだと言うよ。僕はスリムでいるために、Coors light を飲むよう、自分に強制してるけどね。だけど意味なし。Stella Atrois 2本の満足のために、15本も飲まなきゃならないから。ところで日本とヨーロッパの Coors light ってウンコみたいな味するけど、アメリカじゃそうでもないんだ。


曲の仕込み、曲を書く、メールに返信、電話をかける、妻と映画を見にでかける……これなら二人とも楽しめるから……(Spiderman, Die hard はイエス, Meryl Streep ならなんでも……似たのはダメ。これが娘たちの好み)。僕の娘がバーテンダーをやってる2マイル離れたバーに飲みに行くこと。アイスクリームトラックを運転するBillや、ダウンタウンでクレーンを運転するJeffと油を売ったり。若い頃にやったことや、その頃の女の子について話したりね。午後7時には家にいるよ。だから夜には仕事できるんだ。午前3時に寝て、昼に起きる。朝ごはんは午後1時で、2時にスタジオでの仕事にかかる。いつでもやらなきゃならないプロジェクトがあって、絶対にやりたいだけはやりきれないんだ。

●あなたの“guitar god”は誰?
そうだな、正直なところ、今は誰もいない。 僕が最初にヴァン・ヘイレンのレコードを聞いた時の感触が誰からも得られないんだ。誰かジェフ・ベックに近づいたやつはいる? アラン・ホールズワースは、どんなエレクトリックギタリストともかけ離れて怖いくらいだね。これが今感じてることだよ、ベイベー。


●THE MOBでの活動予定はありますか?
もう一枚、誘われてるよ。THE MOBは人が期待するより成功したんだ。多分いつも希望を高く持っている僕以外はね。デイヴィッドにいくつかアイディアを送ったんだけど、その中で彼が使わなかったものが多分次のMobレコードになるだろうね。僕にはマスカレード2みたいなサウンドだけど。まあ様子を見よう。僕は前回のウィンガーのギグで見つけたボーカリストとのソロアルバムに向けて、どうするか考えてるよ。どっちにしても、今すごく沢山の曲を持ってる。

John Suhr のアンプとギターを使ってる。重要なペダルは OCDで、ワーミーペダル、ラックマウントのクライベイビー、ラックのTC M2000 はウェット感覚にするためにループにしてある。

女子高生の格好した……芸者が欲しいな。そんなの意味ないの知ってるけど、どうせファンタジーの世界じゃないか。日本語を話したり、文化について知ってみたい。そしたら凄くいい扱いされるだろうから。自分自身の道場を持って、Steven Seagal が細かった頃みたいになってみたい。ミニスカートの若い子を沢山はべらせて (女子高生スタイルの芸者がいいだろうな)山ちゃんの手羽先を食べて、山の上に建つ僕の豪邸のプールサイドで太陽を浴びながらキリンビールを一日中飲んでみたい。スケードボーダーパークのあるビアガーデンでね。そこには山に沿ってウォータースライドがあって、股間マッサージ機能付きロケットチェアで20秒で上まで戻れるやつ。

All the best,


●What’s your real name and when’s your birthday?
Richard Earl Beach Jr. Aug. 31st, 1963

●What is your favorite beer brand?
Stella Artois. Pretty much anyone will tell you it’s the best in the world. I force myself to drink Coors light to try and stay thin. It doesn’t work, though, because you have to drink 15 of them for the same buzz as two Stella’s. By the way, Coors light tastes like crap in Japan and Europe, but not so bad in the states.

●Do you have any pets?
My wife is a clean freak, and we don’t have much land. If I had a dog, we would need allot of land for the good boy to run around, wear a bandana around his neck, catch a Frisbee in his mouth and love me. Cats don’t love anyone.

●How do you spent your free time at home?
Learning songs, writing songs, answering emails, making phone calls, going to a movie with my wife that has something we can both enjoy…( Spiderman, Die hard yes, anything with Meryl Streep or similar no. That’s what daughters are for.) I go to the bar where my daughter is the bartender 2 miles from my house. I shoot the breeze with Bill, who drives an ice cream truck, and Jeff who runs a crane downtown. We talk about chicks and the stuff we did when we were young. I am always home by 7:00pm so I can work at night. I go to bed at 3:00am and wake up at noon. I eat breakfast at 1:00pm, and get to work in the studio at 2:00pm. There is always some project I have to do, and I never get to write as much as I want to.

●Who is your “guitar god”?
Well, honestly, no one anymore. I don’t think anyone will touch the first Van halen record. Has anyone come close to Jeff Beck? Allen Holdsworth is so far beyond any electric guitarist that it’s scary. It’s all about feel, baby.

●When you come toJapan with NIGHTRANGER, what impressed you most ?
I was impressed with the number of people that attended. I didn’t know that were that popular in Japan.

●Do you have any activitiy planned for THE MOB?
I have been asked to do another one. It was more successful than anyone expected, except perhaps me, who had high hopes. I sent some ideas to David, which he didn’t use, and that will probably be the next Mob record. Although, it sounds more like Masquerade 2 to me. We’ll see. I’m leaning towards a new solo album with a singer I found at the last Winger gig. Either way, I have tons of songs now.

●Please describe the current equipment (amp and pedals).
I use John Suhr amps and Guitars. The important pedals for me are the OCD, the Whammy pedal, the rack mount cry baby, and the TC M2000 in my rack which goes in the loop for wetness.

●If you can live in Japan, what do you want to do?
I want a geisha……in one of those schoolgirl outfits. I know that doesn’t really make sense, but hell we are in fantasy world. I would like to speak Japanese, and know much about the culture, so I would be respected highly. I would like to have my own dojo, and be as good a fighter as Steven Seagal when he was thin. I would like lot’s of hot chicks in mini skirts to follow me around ( schoolgirl geisha would understand ), and eat chicken wings from yami chen,? and drink Kirin all day in the sun in my mansion on the mountain…. at the pool….with a skateboard park in the beer garden. It would also have a water slide that went all the way down the mountain, with a crotch massaging rocket chair lift that took you back up in twenty seconds.

●Please give a word to your Japanese fans!
I think I may be there with Winger before the year is through. Thank you for your very gracious welcome when I came as a newcomer to Night Ranger. Japan will always be my favorite place to go.
All the best,

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